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Showing records 1 to 8 out of 8 records. Viewing genre Superheroes.
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D6 Powers - Games, Commercial
D6 Powers Revised and Expanded is a D6 compatible rule book that allows players to create heroic characters with fantastic powers. Learn more about new and revised super powers, expanded special abilities, gadget creation, advantages, and disadvantages for use in any D6 game.
(Added: 2010-06-20, 3484 hits)

Hero System Cheat Sheet - Games, Free
Hero System task resolution is not difficult. If you can make a bowl of cereal, you can play Hero System. This one-page cheat sheet will get you up and playing Hero like a pro.
(Added: 2005-03-31, 3473 hits)

Icons OGL - Games, Free
The Open Gaming Content from Icons. Obvious misspellings and punctuation errors have been corrected, but no other revisions have been made.
(Added: 2011-09-06, 2151 hits)

Marvel Saga Powers by Trump Suit - Games, Free
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game SAGA system powers, sorted by attribute trump suit.
(Added: 2001-12-04, 3217 hits)

Mutants & Masterminds Character Builder - Software, Free
A LibreOffice spreadsheet intended to facilitate creation of Mutants & Masterminds characters. It may or may not work with Excel if converted to that format from within LibreOffice.
(Added: 2015-03-03, 30406 hits)

Tales From Night City - Inspiration, Free
Night City was a Champions PBEM game Brandon Blackmoor ran during the mid-1990s (1993-1997, give or take a bit). Maybe you will find it entertaining, or perhaps useful.
(Added: 2004-10-03, 2941 hits)

Unbreakable - Inspiration, Commercial
Quite possibly the best "realistic" superhero movie ever made. How would a normal man react to the discovery that he isn't normal at all? An excellent work that completely avoids the campiness one normally finds even in otherwise-serious superhero movies.
(Added: 2001-09-10, 4174 hits)

Wild Talents Axes Of Design - Software, Free
A utility for creating and saving "four color" (red, gold, blue, black) superhero game design parameters, based on Ken Hite's axes of design for superhero settings, taken from Wild Talents.
(Added: 2011-03-12, 10142 hits)