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AutoRealm - Misc, Free
AutoREALM is a free role-playing game mapping program. This program, while having some limitations, is an excellent mapping program that can design castles, cities, and more. If you want better, you'll need to buy or borrow a commercial drawing program such as CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator.
(Added: 2001-08-24, 16229 hits)

DriveThruRPG affiliate links - Misc, Free
A set of javascript links that permit the user to create affiliate links to DriveThruRPG.
(Added: 2010-05-24, 6001 hits)

Mutants & Masterminds Character Builder - Superheroes, Free
A LibreOffice spreadsheet intended to facilitate creation of Mutants & Masterminds characters. It may or may not work with Excel if converted to that format from within LibreOffice.
(Added: 2015-03-03, 31386 hits)

NWMap - Fantasy, Free
NWMap is a free tile-based mapping utility for Windows. It was specifically designed for use with the BioWare computer game Neverwinter Nights, but it can create stand-alone maps for role-playing games as well.
(Added: 2002-01-30, 6757 hits)

Roleplaying City Map Generator - Fantasy, Free
The Roleplaying City Map Generator comfortably creates maps of any kind of settlement, such as villages, medieval towns, or 20th century big cities, in few minutes requiring only a couple of mouse clicks. You define the values of various city parameters, either manually or via pre-defined or own templates -- The Roleplaying City Map Generator randomly creates realistic maps which can be printed or exported as image also as matrix or section. Windows software.
(Added: 2009-10-04, 15499 hits)

Secure Dice - Misc, Free
RPG Library's Secure Dice is a simple dice roller which will generate random numbers, generate a MD5 checksum of the results, and email those results to the email address(es) you specify.
(Added: 2005-11-08, 3850 hits)

Steve's 3E Character Record Sheet - Fantasy, Free
Flexible, customizable... a great character sheet for people who aren't afraid of a little tinkering. NOTE: This is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You must already own the application Microsoft Excel or another application that can use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in order to use this. keywords: 3e D&D dnd d20 character chargen creator sheet excel spreadsheet
(Added: 2001-09-10, 3132 hits)

The Domesday Book - Fantasy, Free
The Domesday Book, penned by Brandon Blackmoor, based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross. "Here is subscribed the inquisition of lands as the barons of the king have made inquiry into them...."
(Added: 2001-08-28, 4464 hits)

Wild Talents Axes Of Design - Superheroes, Free
A utility for creating and saving "four color" (red, gold, blue, black) superhero game design parameters, based on Ken Hite's axes of design for superhero settings, taken from Wild Talents.
(Added: 2011-03-12, 10555 hits)

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